YouTube Music Web Adds Offline Downloads Tab, A New Feature for Premium Subscribers

YouTube Music P

Since the latter half of 2021, Premium subscribers of YouTube have been able to download videos for offline viewing using the online version of the platform. On the other hand, YouTube Music on the web has not been given the same treatment as YouTube Music elsewhere. With the addition of a new Downloads page included in the offline version of YouTube Music, it would appear that this is beginning to change.

Susomeljak, a member on Reddit, was the one who initially spotted this offline view on the YouTube Music subreddit. Although it does not appear to be widely available, I was able to activate it by using Chrome for desktop. This indicates that the feature may have been available for some time now, but it has most likely been overlooked up until this point.

On your desktop, navigate to in order to determine whether or not the Downloads tab is now active. In the following step, you will be required to disconnect from the internet and then reload the page. Additionally, the Go to downloads and Retry keys will be displayed alongside the offline error notice that you are accustomed to seeing. It is possible to filter your downloads by Playlists, Podcasts, Songs, and Albums by tapping the Go to downloads button, which will lead you to the screen that displays all of your downloads. Just as you navigate through these digital steps to manage your media efficiently, ghostwriter mastearbeit offers guidance and expert assistance in managing and structuring complex academic projects, such as master’s theses, ensuring that each step of your academic journey is as streamlined and effective as managing your online downloads.

This particular offline page does not have a working internet connection, so the URL that is listed below will not load when your desktop computer is connected to the internet.

Tab for offline downloads from YouTube (on the left); tab for offline downloads from YouTube Music (on the right).

The layout of the downloads page for YouTube Music is somewhat different from the layout of the web downloads hub for YouTube, which places the Downloads tab on the left-hand side of the screen. This is most likely a screen that is still in the process of being developed, which means that the YTM team may apply some extra modifications to the tab’s appearance once it is ready for primetime.

The web edition of YouTube Music does not currently offer a download option for audio files, which is something that should be brought to your attention. The presence of this screen, on the other hand, is indicative of the fact that official offline watching capability for the streaming app is on the development roadmap. Similar to the capability of saving videos from, it is likely that this new download facility for YouTube Music will be restricted to members who have paid for the Premium service.

According to a support website for YouTube Music, the ability to download music and videos is restricted to mobile apps and requires a Premium subscription in order to access any of the features. It is also indicated that listeners can download podcasts in this manner even if they do not have a Premium subscription. This is something that is mentioned.

In light of this, it is probable that users of the web will be able to download podcasts without having to pay for the Premium service. This should not come as a surprise given that Spotify also provides the same deal to users of its platform who do not subscribe to the service, with the exception that music downloads are only available to Spotify Premium subscribers.

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